Porsche Über Alles is the official monthly publication of the Western Michigan Region of the Porsche Club of America. In addition to great stories from members and from across the nation, the publication features classified ads from regional members, information on our charity activities, and advertising from local companies that cater to us and our cars.
Copies are available online and also sent by mail to WMR members. This exceptional publication is provided as part of your membership in our region of PCA.
Wolfgang Bubeck and Lina Spross are our editors. Classified ads for our Über Alles newsletter can be placed directly with Lina at her email address: uberwmr@gmail.com.
Classified Ad Rates:
Free for WMR members
$3 for non-region PCA members
$5 (2 lines) or $10 (4 lines) for non-PCA members (3 months)